Garden Bloggers Bloom day

(to English translation)

Ficaria verna subsp. verna - Speenkruid, Lesser celandine
Ficaria verna subsp. verna - Speenkruid, Lesser celandine
Het is alweer 15 maart, dus tijd voor mijn bloeilijstje in het kader van ‘Garden Bloggers Bloom day‘.

Als ik – zoals ik altijd doe – echt álles wat ik in bloei vind noteer (zoals jullie al lang weten staat ‘onkruid’ niet in mijn woordenboek), is mijn lijstje even lang als vorig jaar op 1 maart, toen ik moeiteloos aan 30 bloeiers kwam.

Natuurlijk, vijf van de bloeiers die nu in het lijstje staan, zijn toverhazelaars. Ik vind het niet fout om die allemaal te vermelden, want het zijn verschillende cultivars met verschillende bloeitijdstippen. De ‘Jelena’ bijvoorbeeld is gewoonlijk half maart echt helemaal uitgebloeid. (Vorig jaar bloeide op 1 maart alleen ‘Westerstede’ nog.)

  1. Alnus glutinosa, Zwarte els – Ja ik heb dus hooikoorts
  2. Bellis perennis, Madeliefje
  3. Brunnera macrophylla, Kaukasisch vergeet-me-nietje
  4. Cardamine hirsuta - Kleine veldkers, hairy bittercress
    Cardamine hirsuta - Kleine veldkers, hairy bittercress
  5. Cardamine hirsuta, Kleine veldkers
  6. Chionodoxa lucillae, Sneeuwroem
  7. Cornus mas, Gele kornoelje
  8. Corylus avellana, Hazelaar
  9. Crocus flavus, Gele crocus
  10. Crocus sp., allerhande tuincultivars
  11. Crocus tommasinianus, Boerenkrokus
  12. Cyclamen coum
  13. Ficaria verna subsp. verna, Speenkruid
  14. Galanthus nivalis, Gewoon sneeuwklokje
  15. Hamamelis x intermedia Westerstede
    Hamamelis x intermedia 'Westerstede'
  16. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’, Toverhazelaar
  17. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Jelena’, Toverhazelaar (die bloeit dan weer duidelijk langer dan andere jaren – dat is dan weer het voordeel van een koude winter.)
  18. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Rubin’, Toverhazelaar
  19. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Ruby glow’, Toverhazelaar
  20. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Westerstede’, Toverhazelaar
  21. Helleborus foetidus, Stinkend nieskruid
  22. Lamium album, Witte dovenetel
  23. Petasites hybridus - Groot hoefblad, Butterbur
    Petasites hybridus - Groot hoefblad, Butterbur
  24. Lamium purpureum, Paarse dovenetel
  25. Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora, Reukloze kamille
  26. Narcissus cyclamineus ’tête-à-tête’
  27. Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Wilde narcis
  28. Petasites hybridus, Groot hoefblad
  29. Salix caprea, Boswilg
  30. Scilla sibirica, Oosterse sterhyacint
  31. Stellaria media, Vogelmuur
  32. Taraxacum officinale, Paardenbloem
  33. Viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’

Wat mij aan dit lijstje opvalt, is dat – hoewel het even lang is als dat van 1 maart vorig jaar – er nu heel andere planten bloeien:
De winterbloeiende struiken (toverhazelaar, Virburnum bodnantense) bloeien nog allemaal, maar de struiken van de eerste ‘echte’ lente (kerspruim, mirabelpruim…) bloeien nog niet. Vorig jaar bloeiende zelfs de Ranonkelstruik (Kerria japonica) en Chinees klokje (Forsythia sp.) al. (Overigens: wat de aanwezigheid van die twee struiken in mijn tuin betreft, pleit ik onschuldig. Manlief is er in geslaagd die in de tuin binnen te smokkelen, maar had het aan mij gelegen, dan was dat nooit gebeurd.)

Garden Bloggers Bloom day

(There are other pictures in the Dutch section. You can scroll up to see them.)

Crocus sp.
Crocus sp.

It’s March 15th, so it’s time again for a ‘Garden Bloggers Bloom day‘ list.
I always take note of literally everything that is blooming (and like some of you know perhaps, ‘weed’ is a word unknown to me). Even if a species only has one tiny little flower, if it caught my eye, you’ll find it on my list.
My list is just as long as last year on March 1st.
But since we had such a long and cold winter, 30 blooming plants isn’t that bad… I know, of those 29 species, 5 are different varieties of witchhazel, but those different varieties have a different flowering period: Last year (a very early spring), only ‘Westerstede’ was still blooming on March 1st, and I haven’t seen ‘Jelena’ blooming after mid-February in other years.

  1. Alnus glutinosa, Alder – and indeed, I do have hayfever!
  2. Alnus glutinosa - Zwarte els, Alder
    Alnus glutinosa - Zwarte els, Alder
  3. Bellis perennis, Daisy
  4. Brunnera macrophylla, Siberian bugloss
  5. Cardamine hirsuta, Hairy bittercress
  6. Chionodoxa lucillae, Glory-of-the-snow
  7. Cornus mas, European cornel, Cornelian cherry dogwood
  8. Corylus avellana, Hazel
  9. Crocus flavus, Yellow crocus
  10. Crocus sp., several garden varieties
  11. Crocus tommasinianus, Snowcrocus
  12. Cyclamen coum
  13. Ficaria verna subsp. verna, Lesser celandine
  14. Galanthus nivalis, Snowdrop
  15. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’, Witchhazel
  16. Lamium purpureum - Paarse dovenetel, Red deadnettle
    Lamium purpureum - Paarse dovenetel, Red deadnettle
  17. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Jelena’, Witchhazel – this one is blooming very long this year, so at last I found an advantage of this long, cold winter
  18. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Rubin’, Witchhazel
  19. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Ruby glow’, Witchhazel
  20. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Westerstede’, Witchhazel
  21. Helleborus foetidus, Stinking hellebore
  22. Lamium album, White dead-nettle
  23. Lamium purpureum, Red dead-nettle
  24. Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora, May seaweed
  25. Narcissus cyclamineus ’tête-à-tête’
  26. Narcissus pseudonarcissus - Wilde narcis, Wild daffodil
    Narcissus pseudonarcissus - Wilde narcis, Wild daffodil
  27. Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Wild daffodil
  28. Petasites hybridus, Butterbur
  29. Salix caprea, Goat willow
  30. Scilla sibirica, Sibirian squill
  31. Stellaria media, Chickweed
  32. Taraxacum officinale, Dandelion
  33. Viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’

When I compare my 2008-list with today’s list, it strikes me, that although they have the same length, the plants on them are quite different:
This year, the winter-blooming shrubs (witchhazel, Viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’) are still blooming, but the trees and shrubs of early but ‘real’ spring, don’t have flowers yet (plum, cherry plum, Forsythia, Kerria). (I don’t like the latter two so much, but dear husband has smuggled them into our garden…)

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23 thoughts on “Garden Bloggers Bloom day

  1. Quite a list of blooms! I try to keep a list of what’s blooming from month to month in my garden each year too. Beautiful blooms today, I love the first photo of the Crocus, great shot!

  2. Anne – Funny, I noticed the same thing about ‘Jelena’ and ‘Dawn’ – much longer blooming time in our longer winter. So, you’re right, a hidden benefit. I don’t keep very good lists, but maybe blogging will help with that! Archives to go back and look through if I’m curious about when certain things stopped and started. Love your wild daffodil, I might have to look for that! Happy Bloom Day.

  3. Wonderful! I am happy to see the English translation- now I will be able to read your blog, though just looking at the pictures has been great.

  4. Great list. I keep a list of my plants and try to keep it updated. But as you can imagine, one or two days shopping with hort friends, and well…It never ends! That is the main reason I like Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day, I now have an easy to find photographic journey. And I get to enjoy others as well – such as yours! Thanks, I enjoyed your journey!

  5. Wow! Ik ben sprakeloos. Wat een weelde. Heerlijk deze blog!

    Hamamelis, paarse dovenetel: gezien. Speenkruid nog niet. Dat zie ik hier eigenlijk nooit (meer). Kleine veldkers. Die ken ik niet. Nog nooit gezien.

  6. Anne, if you have a link to the pulmonaria post, just send me it and I can use the widget to translate it. I’d love to understand the color change on pulmonaria. I’m getting ready to post another post next week featuring pulmonaria and I can link to yours.

  7. Interesting that your list of plants in flower is just as long as your list from March 2008 despite the colder winter. You have some lovely plants there Anne. I have enjoyed your post 🙂

  8. I love your photographs – especially the Butterbur just poking through. And yes, it is interesting to see how different this year is to the last. Your list is most impressive – I also count the lesser celandine as one of my garden flowers even though it’s invaded the garden. It looks so cheerful at this time of the year, that it’s forgiven!

    Tomorrow I’ll be saying something about the public planting I found on my trip to Bruges last week. It would be so interesting to hear your opinions on what I have to say as you know your country so much better than I do.

  9. Hi Anne, You really did go all out with your record keeping;-) Your photos show a beautiful garden, all ready for the season! I have red deadnettle too…I forgot to include that in mine. Actually, there are mums beginning to come up too, and several others that (I am now realizing) I forgot! I was so late in posting that I mostly wanted to get the ‘basics’ in. Looking at your list, it is amazing to see all that is blooming so early in spring!
    It is so helpful that you translate your posts…otherwise, I wouldn’t have a clue;-0 Have a great day!

  10. @Racquel: I started keeping a list in october 2007. I observed that after some time, I was able to see much more in my garden. Plants that I didn’t realize that were growing there, were suddenly seen. And I became aware that even in the months that we think that ‘nothing’ is blooming, there are still some flowers out there (unless the garden is covered with snow…)

    @Karen: blogging (and photography) helps me to keep track of everything that’s going on in my garden.

    @Me! Ik kan het nauwelijks geloven dat er echt niks te vinden is… Echt ook geen verborgen veldkersje (aka springzaad)?

    @David: That’s the advantage of speaking Dutch: when the rest of the world doesn’t understand your language, you have to learn a language that the rest of the world does understand ;-).

    @HappyMouffetard: thank you!

    @Linda: it is only recently that I came to realize that – allthough we are here on the same degree of latitude as, let’s say the central part of Lake Manitoba in Canada – the climate is much milder here… (I did know that our climate was milder than the Canadian climate, but I didn’t realize that our degree of latitude is the same as etc.)

    @Helen Yoest, Gail, Sweet Bay: thank you… I’ll have to check out your blogs (and several others) within the next few days.

    @tina: like I said to Racquel: keeping track of what’s blooming over the course of month made me see things I didn’t see before.

    @Janien: ‘kleine veldkers’ is bij veel tuiniers bekend en verwenst als ‘springzaad’.

    @Dave: over here, Cornelian cherry is one of the best-known and most-seen winterblooming shrubs… And few people realize it is native.

    @Town mouse: I’m lucky, alder is the only plant that makes my hayfever really bad. I do sneeze during the rest of the season, but is is always worst during mild days in March.

    @Anna: yes, when I started listing my plants this month, I was sure I would never reach the same number… but I did, because several plants that had stopped blooming last year already, are still in full flower now.

    @VP: Lesser celandine is spreading here too, but not so vigourously like it seems to do elsewhere. I don’t mind: those bright little stars add some color to a still dull garden, and once the colors are exploding in May, the lesser celandine has vanished completely.

    @Jan: since I started making monthly flower-lists, I used to scribble down everything I notice when I walk through my garden. Then I make a tentative list, and just before publishing there a quick check if everything is still there…

    @Linda: thank you… that picture made me happy, too…

  11. What a good idea to list every little thing that’s blooming! I guess I didn’t grasp that aspect of bloom day before. I like your idea of listing everything that’s blooming, even the “volunteers” – Hope I have a bit more time next month to do the same. (Love your picture on the next post btw)

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